What Have I Done?

Ne-Yo What Have I Done? - What Have I Done - NeYo Instrumental performed by Christian Rössle

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Весь репертуар Ne-Yo

Текст песни целиком:

[Verse 1]

Time on my hands
Sit and think about what I did wrong
As the days turn into days
Nights back into days I sit alone
There's blood on my hands
Guilty party
Ain't no sense but I'm the one
I'm responsible for this
Sure as the moon shines
Cuz I'm the sun


What have I done
What have I done
What have I done
What have I done

[Verse 2]

Catered to my own desires
Never once thinking
That breaking rules just cuz I wanted to
Could possibly hurt you
My only concern was me
And now look at you
Look at what my foolishness has turned you into
In the end a monster
But at first a goddess when we first begun


What have I done
What have I done
What have I done
What have I done
I'm to blame
Love is a privilege
Not a game
Now you're a monster
I'm to blame
Love is a privilege
Not a game
Now you're a monster

[Verse 3]

Oh so lovely
All you wanted was to love me
How did I end up the lonely one
Not hard to love someone
But it's hard to be in love
Knowing that you're killing that person
Oh so lovely
All you wanted was to love me
How did I end up the lonely one
Not hard to love someone
But it's hard to be in love
Knowing that you're killing that person
In the end a monster
But at first a goddess when we first begun


What have I done
What have I done
What have I done
What have I done
I'm to blame
Love is a privilege
Not a game
Now you're a monster
I'm to blame
Love is a privilege
Not a game
Now you're a monster

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What Have I Done - NeYo Instrumental performed by Christian Rössle

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