You are a Pirate

песня пиратов You are a Pirate - Лентяево LazyTown - Ведь мы пираты! You are a pirate! Russian

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Добавлено: 2017-01-04

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Текст песни целиком:

Do what you want, cause a pirate is free,
Yar har, fiddle di dee,
Being a pirate is alright to be,
Do what you want cause a pirate is free,
You are a pirate

(spoken)You are a pirate

We've got us a map, (a map)
To lead us to a hidden box,
That's all locked up with locks (with locks)
And buried deep away

We'll dig up the box, (the box)
We know it's full of precious booty
Burst open the locks
And then we'll say hooray

(girl's voice)Yar, har, fiddle di dee.
If you love to sail the sea,
You are a pirate

(spoken)Weigh anchooor

Yar har, fiddle di dee,
Being a pirate is alright to be
Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free,
You are a pirate
Arr yarr, ahoy and avast,
Hang the black flag
At the end of the mast
You are a pirate

Hahaha (Yay)

We're sailing away (set sail),
Adventure awaits on every shore
We set sail and explore (ya-har)
And run and jump all day (Yay)
We float on our boat (the boat)
Until its time to drop the anchor,
Then hang up our coats (aye-aye)
Until we sail again

(girl's voice)Yar, har, fiddle di dee.
If you love to sail the sea,
You are a pirate

Laaaand ho

Yar har, fiddle di dee,
Being a pirate is alright with me
Do what you want cause a pirate is free,
You are a pirate

(spoken)Yar har, wind at your back, lads,
Wherever you go

(singing)Blue sky above and blue ocean below,
You are a pirate

You're a pirate

Посетите так же следующие страницы:

  • Пираты Карибского моря
  • M-3 Соединение карт, Визитка, Выход пиратов
  • субботний вечер пиратов
  • Фрегат в облаках ОСТ Феи.Загадка пиратского острова
  • The Mermaid Love - история любви русалки Сирены и священника из "Пиратов карибского моря 4"
  • Тема Пиратов
  • Песня пиратов
  • Сикорскогоавтор Виталя Пиратов


Лентяево LazyTown - Ведь мы пираты! You are a pirate! (Russian)

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